Marks & Musicals

"Marks and Musicals" was an exhibition inspired by my love of metal music, screen printing, and theatre. I'd done research on logos in metal music for my BFA thesis, and wanted my capstone exhibition to be related to what I'd learned. Throughout my University career, I'd also been creating posters for the theatre department, which certainly proved to be one of the influences with this series, though my designs have been twisted by bringing out the darkest aspects of each show and adding in metal imagery.

The exhibition itself opened at 62 Doors Gallery and Studios in Minot, North Dakota on November 4th, 2017 and ran through December 3rd, 2017. Accompanying my drawings were logos and other posters created by world famous metal logo artist Christophe Szpajdel and screen printed by myself. Pictured are my digital drawings, and 18" x 24" screen prints of each poster are available for purchase.


Fight February